Create a smart robot
Computer Engineering : Applied AI and Robotics

An open workshop with high-tech equipment and CNC machines for students

Students complete internships at leading companies in the field of robotics in Russia

Students participate in major projects from global companies

Website for applicants of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies

Russia, Tomsk, Lenin ave., 36/3 +7 952 155 96 48

Program Details

Note : Please mention the code and the name of the program while applying through any admissions portal.

To find out more about entrance exams please visit Program Requirements.

Admission Requirements
Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in computer science (or related area) and basic knowledge in programming, mathematics (linear algebra, linear differential equations), circuit theory, and computer architecture.

Entrance Exams
According to the admission procedure for the Master’s degree program, applicants undergo entrance exams. The entrance exam consists of a motivation letter and an interview. After submiting the application, we suggest you to prepare a short(1-2 pages) motivation letter and prepare for the interview. You will be contacted shortly after the application is submitted. Sample questions for the interview can be downloaded here.
All applicants are encouraged to start applications early and take their time presenting their portfolio. It takes about 3 months to complete all the admission procedures and arrive here.
Detailed instructions about the admission process can be found here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by e-mail at
09.04.02 Information Systems and Technologies
Form of Education
Full-Time (in-campus) 120 EC or Full-Time (in-campus + distance learning) 120 EC
Medium of Instruction
2 years
Entrance Exams
Interview + Motivation Letter
For start admission process you need create account on this website
The program is intended for specialists able and willing to carry out research projects in the field of Applied Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Students gain skills and knowledge in computer-assisted vision, intelligent vision systems, simulation modeling of complex technological processes, and mathematical modeling of processes. Students learn how to develop and operate Autonomous Mobile Robotic Systems, Automated Information Systems and Unmanned Transport Systems.
Master students gain skills and knowledge in the following areas:
  • Automated Information Systems
  • Data Mining and Analysis
  • Integrated Information System
  • Matematical and System Modeling
  • Robotics and Embedded Systems
  • Computer Assisted Vision
  • Unmanned Aerial Systems
  • Digital Twins
  • System Simulation
The Faculty of Innovation Technologies at National Research Tomsk State University has been one of the leading contributers to develpoment and research of Unmanned Systems in the nation. Knowledge exploration throughout the University’s network of facilities is united by a culture of innovation. An unprecedented commitment from the student center of Russia(Tosmk) ensures TSU attracts internationally renowned faculty and the world’s brightest students. A tradition of guiding and supporting outstanding students makes TSU a standout in Academics and beyond. As a vibrant, progressive leader, the Faculty of Innovation Technologies at TSU fosters a diverse and dynamic culture that meets the challenges of a changing global society.
Why join the International Masters program at Tomsk State University?
Possible Research Areas for Students :
  • Intelligent systems for unmanned ground vehicles (work with Autoware, Appollo, LGSVL Simulator).
  • Design and simulation adaptive control system.
  • Intelligent control system for UAV (computer vision, HIL-simulation, testing).
  • Computer vision systems (different applications, simulation).
  • Image Recognition with FPGA (simulation, MATLAB + Quartus).
  • Construction of binary neural networks.
  • Intelligent systems for research big data.
  • Design control system detect attack network.
  • Research and development of security protocol for data transfer.
  • Intelligent systems for semantic text analysis.
  • Creation of web applications
  • Investigations in dynamics of plastic deformation processes in FCC materials
  • Students are encouraged to come up with their own research topics and discuss them with their scientific advisors


Still not convinced ?

At the Faculty of Innovation Technologies we believe that with hard work and determination, anyone can max out their potential. Just ask our Students!
Everyone at TSU is very friendly and helpful, I am greatful to get to be a part of the Tomsk State University Family.
- Edgar Solis Romeu Web Developer - ABC Inc.
- Mainak Mondal Engineer - TSU.
- Michael Oduro Persuing Higher Studies
Attending Tomsk State University, was one of the best decissions of my life. Its an honor to be a part of this prestigious Instituition.
Tomsk State University has given me more than enough oppertunities to shine. Accepting TSU's offer was a turning point in my career.
Leave an email, we will contact you, answer all your questions and help you prepare for admission.
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For applicants
About the faculty
36/3 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, Russia
+7 952 155 96 48